Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1. How did you feel about the lesson today? Did you think it was useful? 

2. Did you like working in groups and working on the activity? 

3. Did you like the review and note handout? 

4. Do you have any suggestions for me or would you like me to change anything? (please respond using at least 5 sentences)

I appreciate you guys so much you are so awesome!! :)


  1. 1. Yes, I finally understand what's going on
    2. Yes, groups are great
    3. Yes
    4. No

  2. I liked the lesson like working and groups. The review and note handout helped explain how to a lot

  3. I loved it. It was very useful

    Yes I did like working in groups

    Yes I liked the review and not handout

    No I don't have any questions

  4. It was a good lesson, I took the quiz so I didn't work on a group project. The review game was alright though. I like the lessons.

  5. The whole lesson was good I learned a lot however the review packet should have been handed out before we started the project it would have saved time and confusion because it taught me everything I needed to know about the project.

  6. 1) I think today's lesson helped a lot, I understand more than yesterday.
    2) I did like working on the activity and with groups but I fella it took a little to long to finish.
    3)Yes I feel it will be helpful to look back on.
    4) I think that the activity should just be a little shorter so I can get done in one period.
    I liked the blog formate the most.

  7. I feel like I understood it better when we went over the notes page.
    When did we work in groups?
    Can we please do notes before we do the work?!?!?!

  8. 1) I think today's lesson helped a lot, I understand more than yesterday.
    2) I did like working on the activity and with groups but I fella it took a little to long to finish.
    3)Yes I feel it will be helpful to look back on.
    4) I think that the activity should just be a little shorter so I can get done in one period.
    I liked the blog formate the most.

  9. I feel as though I had a better understanding
    I like working in groups
    I like the review
    If you could break down the explanations a little more

  10. I liked today's lesson. It was very useful because now I feel much more comfortable working with end behavior of polynomial functions. I liked working on the activity because it helped me to visualize the polynomials. I liked the review page, but the notes page was a bit confusing. I think I would benefit if we went over the notes page together before doing practice problems

  11. I liked today's lesson and thought it was very useful. I like working groups and group activities are a lot of fun.The review and not packet were very helpful and answered some of my questions. If you were to change anything, I would like it if you did notes prior before diving into the lesson. However, I also like seeing my mistakes and where I went wrong. I also liked the review game and think we should do more of them. The review games could be before a big test and we could play as a class. I also think that we should do more questions of the lesson during class so if we have any more questions you can answer them then. -Quy

  12. I thought it was very useful.
    Yes I like working with partners.
    I don't have any suggestions.

  13. It was a good lesson I liked working in groups. I liked the review page but the cut out stuff was confusing. Some more example problems would be helpful

  14. 1 I think the lesson was very helpful
    2 no
    3 yes
    4 no

  15. Today's lesson definitely helped but I think that the review packet should have been handed out ahead of time. I really hate having a lot of papers and you always seem to be handing out papers and I really don't like that because I feel unorganized and I lose the papers.

  16. I liked this lesson a lot but I just don't like how we are learning these lessons that I will never use ever in life or out of this class. You are a great teacher though. But these lesson are kinda confusing and I kinda don't get them.

  17. 1) yes 2) yes 3) no 4) nope

  18. The lesson helped me understand more in depth about the equations because we went over the examples. The group activity was confusing

  19. I didn't like today's lesson, but I did think working in groups was helpful. The review sheet did help, but we did t take enough time to go over it. I think one way you could improve your teaching by focusing on one thing at a time. We rush too much in the class and we do a million things besides learn the lesson.

  20. I liked liked the lesson because I did not understand at all yesterday but now I do. I love working in groups because if I don't understand my group can help me. I would've liked the review guide better if it didn't have so many paragraphs and we wrote the notes ourselves so we can go over them. I think we should write the notes ourself so we can go over them at the same time.
